2 Megawatt Electrolyzer in Operation
Verdagy manufactures dynamic electrolysis systems for the large-scale production of clean hydrogen.

Real-time matching to renewable energy.

No stack replacements. Lowest OpEx.

Performance guarantees and bankability. 24x7, predictive, digital monitoring.

Highest dynamic range and turndown ratios in the industry.
Verdagy’s patented, single-cell architecture enables our electrolyzers to seamlessly pair in real-time with variable energy sources, and provide leading efficiencies to enable the industry’s lowest levelized cost of hydrogen (LCOH). Verdagy will achieve LCOH of <$2/kg without subsidies by 2028.
Verdagy’s electrolyzers feature the widest dynamic range and turndown ratios in the industry for maximum flexibility, with very low gas crossover. Our digital controls and unique service model enable plant-level performance guarantees and the lowest operating costs.
Patents in Electrolysis, Cells, Materials, Stack and Controls.
Years of Our Plant Producing Hydrogen.
Hours of Operations with Commercial Cells.
Dynamic Range.